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Area-preserving projections from hexagonal and triangular domains to the sphere and applications to electron back-scatter diffraction pattern simulations


Published 11 June 2013 © 2013 IOP Publishing Ltd
, , Citation D Roşca and M De Graef 2013 Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. 21 055021 DOI 10.1088/0965-0393/21/5/055021



We construct two new area-preserving projections, which map regular hexagons and regular triangles onto circles. Combination of these projections with the inverse Lambert equal-area projection from the disc to the two hemispheres of a sphere provide bi-directional conversions between uniform planar grids with three-fold and six-fold rotational symmetry and corresponding uniform grids on the sphere. An application example is given for the representation of the channeling-modified back-scattered electron yield for hexagonal titanium.

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1. Introduction

In the materials community, uniform sampling on a sphere (either $\mathbb S^2$ or $\mathbb S^3$ ) is used in a variety of applications. Polycrystalline materials are commonly employed in engineering applications; they consist of large numbers of grains, separated from each other by grain boundaries. An individual grain is characterized by the orientation of its crystal (Bravais) lattice with respect to an external reference frame, and this orientation is usually expressed as an Euler angle triplet (φ1, Φ, φ2) [1], as a unit quaternion, q [2], or by Rodrigues parametrization [3]. In numerical simulations, one often desires to generate random sets of grain orientations by means of a uniform sampling of Euler space, or of the rotation space SO(3) (which can be mapped onto $\mathbb S^3)$ . While several methods of uniform sampling of SO(3) have been described in the literature (e.g. [4, 5]), there is still a need for a fast and efficient algorithm that will generate a uniform grid on $\mathbb S^3$ , suitable for interpolations and for representation of functions expanded in generalized spherical harmonics.

Crystal orientations are usually extracted from electron back-scatter diffraction (EBSD) patterns, which can be obtained in a scanning electron microscope equipped with a special EBSD detector. A sub-micron diameter high energy electron beam is scanned across the sample, and dwells at individual locations for a preset amount of time; the sample is typically oriented at a 70° angle with respect to the incident beam, to maximize the number of back-scattered electrons that are intercepted by the area detector. The distribution of these electrons is not uniform, and is spatially modulated because of the interactions of the outgoing electrons with the crystal lattice; the resulting diffraction pattern on the detector shows sets of parallel lines (Kikuchi bands) of varying widths and orientations [6]. Analysis of the locations and orientations of these bands (usually by means of a Hough transform) then allows for the determination of the orientation of the crystal lattice at the illuminated point. When the electron beam is scanned across a sample region, repeated observation and analysis of the EBSD patterns then results in an orientation map, i.e., a map that shows the variations in crystal orientation as a function of position on the sample surface.

For the numerical simulation of EBSD patterns, one can pre-compute a 'master EBSD pattern' by considering a uniform grid of outgoing beam directions represented by direction cosines on $\mathbb S^2$ , and computing the back-scatter yield for each orientation; this latter computation involves integrating the Schrödinger equation for an electron traveling through a periodic lattice potential [7]. An individual EBSD pattern can then be computed by interpolating from the grid on $\mathbb S^2$ , or, more conveniently, by interpolating on a square 2-D grid obtained from the $\mathbb S^2$ grid by an area-preserving projection [8]. Amongst the seven traditional crystal systems (cubic, tetragonal, orthorhombic, hexagonal, trigonal, monoclinic and anorthic), all but the hexagonal and trigonal symmetries can be represented properly on a square grid. For the hexagonal and trigonal (or rhombohedral) crystal systems, EBSD pattern simulation would benefit from the availability of an area-preserving projection between the sphere $\mathbb S^2$ and a hexagonal or triangular grid instead of a square grid, since such non-square grids are fully compatible with the rotational and mirror symmetry elements of these two crystal systems. The present contribution derives such area-preserving projections and illustrates how they can be used in the context of dynamical EBSD pattern simulations.

2. Theoretical derivation

2.1. Derivation of the area-preserving projections

Consider a regular hexagon Ha, and an equilateral triangle, Tb, with edge lengths a and b, respectively, and centered at the origin O, as illustrated in figure 1. For each shape, let $\mathcal C_R$ be a circle with radius R $(R_{H_a}$ and $R_{T_b})$ with the same area as Ha and Tb. Since the areas of the hexagon and the triangle are given by

Equation (1)

we have

Equation (2)

Each shape is subdivided into triangular sectors. For the hexagon we consider the sextants Ik, k = 0, ..., 5, which are defined as follows (see figure 1):

Equation (3a)

Equation (3b)

Equation (3c)

Equation (3d)

Equation (3e)

Equation (3f)

For (x, y) ∈ Ha ∩ Ik one has x ⩽ α if k = 0, 1, 5 and x ⩾ −α if k = 2, 3, 4, where $\alpha=a\sqrt 3/2$ . For the equilateral triangle we consider the triangular sectors J, ℓ = 0, 1, 2, defined by

Equation (4a)

Equation (4b)

Equation (4c)

For (x, y) ∈ Tb ∩ J one has x ⩽ β if ℓ = 0 and −2β ⩽ x ⩽ β if ℓ = 1, 2, where $\beta =b/(2\sqrt 3)$ .

Figure 1.

Figure 1. (a) Circle and hexagon and (b) circle and equilateral triangle with equal areas. The action of the transform $\mathcal T$ transforms the points M and Q into N and P, respectively.

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In the following, we will define two functions $\mathcal T:\mathbb R^2 \to \mathbb R^2$ , which map regular hexagons $(\mathcal T_H)$ and equilateral triangles $(\mathcal T_{T})$ onto circles and preserve areas, i.e.

Equation (5)

for every $D\subseteq \mathbb R^2$ .

In order to deduce the formulas for $\mathcal T$ we restrict the discussion for the moment to the dodecant I in figure 1(a), bounded by the lines of equations y = 0 and $y=x/\sqrt{3}$ , and the upper-half J of the sector J0 in figure 1(b), bounded by the lines of equations y = 0 and $y=x\sqrt{3}$ .

Every half-line in between these bounding lines has the equation y = mx, with $0\le m\le 1/\sqrt{3}$ for the hexagon and $0\le m\le \sqrt{3}$ for the equilateral triangle. The mappings $\mathcal T_H$ and $\mathcal T_{T}$ will be defined in such a way that the half-line y = mx is mapped onto the half-line of equation

Equation (6)

For the regular hexagon, φ satisfies the conditions

Equation (7a)

while for the equilateral triangle φ satisfies

Equation (7b)

These definitions ensure that the bounding half-lines are invariant under the mapping $\mathcal T$ , and that all half-lines y = φ(m)x lie between the bounding half-lines.

Next, we want to ensure that the half-edges of the hexagon Ha and the triangle Tb are each mapped onto the circle arcs inside the respective half-sectors I and J. We take the point M with coordinates (xM, yM) = (xM, m xM) ∈ I. The line OM then intersects the hexagon's half edge at the point Q with coordinates (α, mα), where m = yM/xM (see figure 1(a)); for the equilateral triangle, the point Q has the coordinates (β, mβ) (figure 1(b)).

The mapping $\mathcal T$ (either $\mathcal T_H$ or $\mathcal T_{T})$ will map the point Q onto a point P with coordinates (xP, φ(m)xP), situated on the circle $\mathcal C_R$ $(\mathcal C_{R_H}$ or $\mathcal C_{R_T})$ , so we must have

Equation (8)


Equation (9)

Next we denote $N=\mathcal T(M)$ , and we choose N such that

Equation (10)

A simple calculation shows that

Equation (11a)

Equation (11b)

Equation (11c)

Equation (11d)

with γ = α for the hexagon, and γ = β for the equilateral triangle. From condition (10) one can easily deduce that

Equation (12)

In conclusion, the transformation $\mathcal T$ will map the point (x, y) ∈ I into (X, Y) ∈ I, given by

Equation (13)

The function φ will be determined in such a way that $|{\bit J}(\mathcal T)|=1$ , where the Jacobian ${\bit J}(\mathcal T)$ is defined as

Equation (14)

A simple calculation shows that the condition |J(T)| = 1, which is necessary for an equal-area mapping, reduces to

Equation (15)

The integration, together with the condition φ(0) = 0, gives

Equation (16)

For the hexagon we have γ = α and $R=a(3\sqrt{3}/2\pi)^{1/2}$ , so that

Equation (17)

and we can easily verify that

Equation (18)

as expected. For the equilateral triangle, we have γ = β and $R=b(\sqrt{3}/4\pi)^{1/2}$ , so that

Equation (19)


Equation (20)

as required.

Substituting φ(m) into (13), we finally obtain that the point (x, y) ∈ I (and respectively J) will be mapped into

Equation (21a)

for the hexagon, and

Equation (21b)

for the equilateral triangle. It is easy to prove that these relations are valid for the whole sectors I0 and J0, respectively. Next, we wish to extend the mappings $\mathcal T_H$ and $\mathcal T_{T}$ to the whole plane.

2.2. The hexagonal mapping $\mathcal{\rm T}_{\rm H}$

In this section, we will denote the restriction of $\mathcal T_H$ to the sextant I0 by $\mathcal T_0$ . Then we consider the rotation matrices

Equation (22)

One can see that, if M ∈ Ik, then $\mathcal R_k^{-1}(M)=\mathcal R_k^T (M) \in I_0$ , and therefore the transformation $\mathcal T_H$ at the point M ∈ Ik can be defined as

Equation (23)

Further, for (x, y) ∈ I1 we have

In the same manner as before, for (x, y) ∈ I2 we get

Equation (24)

Further, for the other sextants, we use the equalities

so finally we obtain that $\mathcal T_H$ maps the point (x, y) ≠ (0, 0) into (X, Y)H given by

  • For (x, y) ∈ I0 ∪ I3,
    Equation (25a)
  • For (x, y) ∈ I1 ∪ I4,
    Equation (25b)
  • For (x, y) ∈ I2 ∪ I5,
    Equation (25c)

For the origin we define $\mathcal T_H(0,0)=(0,0)$ . Figures 2(a) and (b) show how a uniform hexagonal sampling grid inside a regular hexagon is converted to a uniform grid inside the unit circle. Note that grid points that lie on the edge of a hexagon inside the external hexagon (outlined in a thicker line) in (a) are mapped onto a single circle in (b). Figure 3 (left) shows a grid on a disc, obtained by dividing each triangle of the hexagon Ha into 36 small triangles of equal area.

Figure 2.

Figure 2. Uniform array of sampling points inside a hexagon (a), and the same array mapped onto the unit circle (b). Figures (c) and (d) show a similar hexagonal array inside an equilateral triangle and the corresponding mapping onto the unit circle. Note that both (b) and (d) have concentric circles of points with the same color.

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Figure 3.

Figure 3. Uniform grids on the disc, by mapping uniform grids on the hexagon (left) and triangle (right).

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2.3. The equilateral triangle mapping $\mathcal{\rm T}_{{\rm T}}$

Proceeding in the same manner as in the previous section, but using only even values for k in the rotation matrices $\mathcal R_k$ , we obtain the following relations:

  • For (x, y) ∈ J0,
    Equation (26a)
  • For (x, y) ∈ J1,
    Equation (26b)
  • For (x, y) ∈ J2,
    Equation (26c)

The resulting mapping is illustrated in figures 2(c) and (d); grid points that lie on an internal equilateral triangle (thicker line) are mapped onto circles in (d). Figure 3 (right) shows a grid on a disc, obtained by dividing each triangle of the triangle Tb into 36 small triangles of equal area.

2.4. The inverse hexagonal map

To start, we restrict the discussion again to the first sextant I0 and we determine the inverse of $\mathcal T_0$ given in (21a). In order to simplify the formulas, we denote $\theta={y\pi}/{2\sqrt 3 x}$ and $\eta=3^{\frac 14}{\sqrt{2/\pi}}$ . With these notations, we have X2 + Y2 = η2x2 and (Y/X) = tan θ, whence

Equation (27)

Therefore, $\mathcal T_0^{-1}$ maps a point (X, Y) ∈ I0 into the point (x, y) ∈ I0 given by

Equation (28)

Equation (29)

Then, in order to establish the expressions for the other sextants, it is enough to calculate $\mathcal R \circ \mathcal T_0^{-1}\circ \mathcal R^T$ and $\mathcal R^T \circ \mathcal T_0^{-1}\circ \mathcal R$ , since

Finally, after some calculations, we find that $\mathcal T^{-1}_H$ maps a point (X, Y)H ≠ (0, 0) into the point (x, y), as follows:

  • For (X, Y) ∈ I0 ∪ I3
    Equation (30a)
  • For (X, Y) ∈ I1 ∪ I4,
    Equation (30b)
  • For (X, Y) ∈ I2 ∪ I5,
    Equation (30c)

2.5. The inverse equilateral triangle map

Defining $\theta= {y\pi}/{3\sqrt 3 x}$ and $\eta=3^{\frac 34}/\sqrt{\pi}$ , we obtain for the inverse mapping in sector J0 of the equilateral triangle:

Equation (31)

Therefore, the inverse mapping for the first sector maps the point (X, Y) ∈ J0 into the point (x, y) ∈ J0 given by

Equation (32a)

Equation (32b)

Applying the rotations from the previous section for even values of k we find that $\mathcal T^{-1}_{T}$ maps a point (X, Y)T ≠ (0, 0) into the point (x, y) as follows:

  • For (X, Y) ∈ J0
    Equation (33a)
  • For (X, Y) ∈ J1
    Equation (33b)
  • For (X, Y) ∈ J2
    Equation (33c)

2.6. Mapping onto the sphere

Let $\mathbb S^2$ be the unit sphere centered at O and let $\mathbb S^2_\pm$ denote its northern and southern hemispheres, respectively. Let $\mathcal L_N:\mathcal C_{\sqrt 2}\to \mathbb S^2_+$ be the inverse Lambert equal-area projection with respect to the North Pole, defined by

Equation (34)

for all $(X,Y)\in \mathcal C_{\sqrt 2}$ . A complete description of all known spherical projections from a sphere or parts of a sphere to the plane, used in cartography, is realized in [9]. Note that the radius of the circle $\mathcal C_R$ that is projected onto the (unit-radius) hemisphere must be equal to $R=\sqrt{2}$ . For the southern hemisphere $\widetilde z$ changes into $-\widetilde z$ .

The Lambert mapping $\mathcal L_N^{-1}:\mathbb S^2_+ \to \mathcal C_{\sqrt 2}$ is given by

Equation (35)

and for $\mathbb S^2_{-}$ , in (35) $\widetilde z$ changes into $-\widetilde z$ .

The regular hexagon Ha that maps onto the circle with radius $R=\sqrt{2}$ has the edge $a=2\sqrt \pi 3^{-3/4}$ , and therefore $\alpha=3^{1/4}\sqrt{\pi}$ . For the equilateral triangle we have $b=2\sqrt{2\pi}3^{-1/4}$ and $\beta=\sqrt{2\pi}3^{3/4}$ . The mapping from the hexagonal grid to the northern hemisphere is then carried out by combining (25a), (25b) and (25c) with (34), and the inverse mapping can be obtained from the combination of (35) with (30a), (30b) and (30c). For the equilateral triangle Tb one combines (26a), (26b) and (26c) with (34) for the forward projection onto the northern hemisphere, and (35), (33a), (33b) and (33c) for the inverse mapping.

Figure 4 shows two grids on the sphere, the images of the planar grids in figure 3.

Figure 4.

Figure 4. Uniform grids on the sphere, by mapping uniform grids on the hexagon (left) and triangle (right).

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3. Spherical configurations of points

Consider the regular hexagon Ha with $a=2\sqrt \pi 3^{-3/4}$ . By dividing each triangle in the sextants Ik, k = 1, ..., 6, into n small triangles of equal area, we obtain a uniform grid on Ha. Mapping this grid on the two hemispheres of $\mathbb S^2$ we obtain a spherical grid having 12n2 cells of equal area. The set of their vertices will be denoted by Ωn. Similarly, for the equilateral triangle Tb, with $b=2\sqrt{2\pi}3^{-1/4}$ , we construct the set Γn of points of $\mathbb S^2$ . One has |Ωn| = 6n2 + 2 and |Γn| = 3n2 + 2.

In the following, in order to measure the uniformity of the configurations of points Γn and Ωn, we investigate their energies. For a set ωm = {x1, ..., xm} of distinct points on $\mathbb S^2$ and a fixed $s\in \mathbb R$ , the Riesz s-energy of the configuration ωm is defined as

where ||·|| denotes the Euclidean norm.

For each point xi ∈ ωm, the point s-energies Es(xi) are defined as

In figures 5 and 6 we have plotted the point energies for Ω6 and Ω10, and in figures 7 and 8 the point energies for Γ8 and Γ14.

Figure 5.

Figure 5. Point Riesz s-energies of the configuration Ω6 (218 points), for s = −1, 0, 1.

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Figure 6.

Figure 6. Point Riesz s-energies of the configuration Ω10 (602 points), for s = −1, 0, 1.

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Figure 7.

Figure 7. Point Riesz s-energies of the configuration Γ8 (194 points), for s = −1, 0, 1.

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Figure 8.

Figure 8. Point Riesz s-energies of the configuration Γ14 (590 points), for s = −1, 0, 1.

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In table 1 we give the values of Emax = max{Es(x), x ∈ Ωn} and Emin = min{Es(x), x ∈ Ωn}, for n = 1, ..., 15 and s = −1, 0, 1. In table 2 we give the values of Emax = max{Es(x), x ∈ Γn} and Emin = min{Es(x), x ∈ Γn}, for n = 1, ..., 15 and s = −1, 0, 1.

Table 1. Minimum and maximum point s-energies for s = −1, 0, 1, for the configurations Ωn, for n = 1, ..., 15 (M = 6n2 + 2 points).

M s = −1 s = 0 s = 1
8 Emax = 10.4853 Emax = −2.4849 Emax = 5.0689
  Emin = 10.2925 Emin = −2.7726 Emin = 4.7426
26 Emax = 34.5153 Emax = −6.5299 Emax = 20.8190
  Emin = 34.4382 Emin = −6.7202 Emin = 20.3445
56 Emax = 74.5863 Emax = −12.5098 Emax = 48.5741
  Emin = 74.4259 Emin = −12.9593 Emin = 47.5838
98 Emax = 130.6130 Emax = −21.7584 Emax = 88.4603
  Emin = 130.4211 Emin = −20.3317 Emin = 88.9237
152 Emax = 202.6282 Emax = −31.2963 Emax = 140.3429
  Emin = 202.4187 Emin = −31.9876 Emin = 138.2371
218 Emax = 290.6377 Emax = −44.1331 Emax = 204.2238
  Emin = 290.4174 Emin = −44.9220 Emin = 201.5692
296 Emax = 394.6476 Emax = −59.2743 Emax = 280.1038
  Emin = 394.4165 Emin = −60.1348 Emin = 276.8508
386 Emax = 514.6548 Emax = −76.7235 Emax = 367.9834
  Emin = 514.4160 Emin = −77.6533 Emin = 364.1659
488 Emax = 650.6597 Emax = −96.4828 Emax = 467.8627
  Emin = 939.1819 Emin = −97.4737 Emin = 463.4731
602 Emax = 802.6632 Emax = −118.5538 Emax = 579.7419
  Emin = 802.4154 Emin = −119.5946 Emin = 574.7823
728 Emax = 970.6658 Emax = −142.9377 Emax = 703.6209
  Emin = 970.4152 Emin = −144.0277 Emin = 698.0807
866 Emax = 1154.6690 Emax = −169.6353 Emax = 839.4999
  Emin = 1154.4150 Emin = −170.7698 Emin = 833.3825
1016 Emax = 1354.6715 Emax = −198.6472 Emax = 987.3787
  Emin = 1354.4149 Emin = −199.8199 Emin = 980.6952
1178 Emax = 1570.6734 Emax = −229.9739 Emax = 1147.2576
  Emin = 1570.4148 Emin = −231.1849 Emin = 1139.9938
1352 Emax = 1802.6749 Emax = −263.6159 Emax = 1319.1364
  Emin = 1802.4147 Emin = −264.8619 Emin = 1311.3010

Table 2. Minimum and maximum point s-energies for s = −1, 0, 1, for the configurations Γn, for n = 1, ..., 15 (M = 3n2 + 2 points).

M s = −1 s = 0 s = 1
5 Emax = 6.2925 Emax = −1.7329 Emax = 2.6213
  Emin = 6.2426 Emin = −1.7918 Emin = 2.5689
14 Emax = 18.5661 Emax = −3.6120 Emax = 10.5888
  Emin = 18.2198 Emin = −4.2689 Emin = 9.6234
29 Emax = 38.6088 Emax = −6.6015 Emax = 24.5371
  Emin = 38.2129 Emin = −7.4873 Emin = 22.8109
50 Emax = 66.6457 Emax = −10.7258 Emax = 44.4702
  Emin = 66.2105 Emin = −11.8209 Emin = 41.9540
77 Emax = 102.6653 Emax = −15.9947 Emax = 70.4214
  Emin = 102.2093 Emin = −17.2604 Emin = 66.9938
110 Emax = 146.6806 Emax = −22.4131 Emax = 102.3619
  Emin = 146.2087 Emin = −23.8117 Emin = 98.1167
149 Emax = 198.6910 Emax = −29.9837 Emax = 140.3019
  Emin = 198.2083 Emin = −31.5016 Emin = 135.1930
194 Emax = 258.6993 Emax = −38.7083 Emax = 184.2417
  Emin = 258.2080 Emin = −40.3233 Emin = 178.3021
245 Emax = 326.7057 Emax = −48.5880 Emax = 234.1814
  Emin = 326.2078 Emin = −50.2915 Emin = 227.3898
302 Emax = 402.7109 Emax = −59.6235 Emax = 290.1209
  Emin = 402.2077 Emin = −61.4036 Emin = 282.7012
365 Emax = 486.7151 Emax = −71.8154 Emax = 352.0605
  Emin = 486.2076 Emin = −73.6663 Emin = 343.5703
434 Emax = 578.7187 Emax = −85.1642 Emax = 419.9999
  Emin = 578.2075 Emin = −87.0792 Emin = 410.6446
509 Emax = 678.7217 Emax = −99.6702 Emax = 493.9394
  Emin = 678.2074 Emin = −101.6456 Emin = 483.7417
590 Emax = 786.7243 Emax = −155.3335 Emax = 578.8788
  Emin = 786.2074 Emin = −117.3659 Emin = 562.8214
677 Emax = 902.7266 Emax = −132.1545 Emax = 659.8182
  Emin = 902.2074 Emin = −134.2384 Emin = 647.9168

We have also compared the energies of our configurations with the extremal s-energies of m points, defined as

Equation (36)

where inf and sup are taken over all m-points subsets of $\mathbb S^2$ . The determination of s-extremal configurations is a difficult problem of constraint optimization and has applications in physics, chemistry and computer science. For s = 1, the minimization of (36) is the classical Thompson problem of electrons restricted to the sphere and interacting through the Coulomb potential. This problem is relevant in molecular modeling and in the study of certain virus structures. Up to now, one could calculate extremal energies for m ⩽ 200 points and s = −1, 0, 1 and these energies are listed in [10]. We have compared the energies of our configurations Ωn and Γn with the optimal ones, i.e. we have calculated the energies Esn) for n = 1, ..., 5 and Esn) for n = 1, ..., 8 (see tables 3 and 4, respectively).

Table 3. Riesz s-energies Esn) and extremal s-energies $\mathcal E_s(M)$ (M = 6n2 + 2), for s = −1, 0, 1.

M s = −1 s = 0 s = 1
8 E = 41.3629 E = −10.2273 E = 19.9494
  $\mathcal{E}=41.4731$ $\mathcal{E}=-10.4280$ $\mathcal{E}=19.6753$
26 E = 448.3299 E = −86.0668 E = 267.5817
  $\mathcal{E}=448.5856$ $\mathcal{E}=-87.0094$ $\mathcal{E}=265.1333$
56 E = 2087.3101 E = −358.7790 E = 1343.8734
  $\mathcal{E}=2087.6412$ $\mathcal{E}=-360.5459$ $\mathcal{E}=1337.0949$
98 E = 6398.2823 E = −1039.4824 E = 4281.1864
  $\mathcal{E}=6398.6801$ $\mathcal{E}=-1042.2847$ $\mathcal{E}=4266.8225$
152 E = 15 397.2488 E = −2421.9798 E = 10 543.8732
  $\mathcal{E}=15\,397.7081$ $\mathcal{E}=-2426.0176$ $\mathcal{E}=10\,517.8676$

Table 4. Riesz s-energies Esn) and extremal s-energies $\mathcal E_s(M)$ (M = 3n2 + 2), for s = −1, 0, 1.

M s = −1 s = 0 s = 1
5 E = 15.6814 E = −4.4205 E = 6.4747
  $\mathcal{E}=15.6814$ $\mathcal{E}=-4.4205$ $\mathcal{E}=6.4747$
14 E = 128.8638 E = −27.8053 E = 70.3686
  $\mathcal{E}=129.1204$ $\mathcal{E}=-28.4078$ $\mathcal{E}=69.3064$
29 E = 558.1092 E = −105.0794 E = 337.6106
  $\mathcal{E}=558.4722$ $\mathcal{E}=-106.2546$ $\mathcal{E}=334.6344$
50 E = 1663.3661 E = −289.7002 E = 1061.2942
  $\mathcal{E}=1663.8078$ $\mathcal{E}=-291.5286$ $\mathcal{E}=1055.1823$
77 E = 3948.6258 E = −655.5598 E = 2602.5717
  $\mathcal{E}=3949.1302$ $\mathcal{E}=-658.1178$ $\mathcal{E}=2591.8502$
110 E = 8061.8862 E = −1297.2073 E = 5430.5968
  $\mathcal{E}=8062.4440$ $\mathcal{E}=-1300.5711$ $\mathcal{E}=5413.5493$
149 E = 14 795.1468 E = −2329.9250 E = 10 122.5225
  $\mathcal{E}=14\,795.7571$ $\mathcal{E}=-2334.2218$ $\mathcal{E}=10\,096.8599$
194 E = 25 084.4073 E = −3889.7685 E = 17 363.5015
  $\mathcal{E}=25\,085.0685$ $\mathcal{E}=-3895.1169$ $\mathcal{E}=17\,326.6161$

4. Application to electron back-scatter diffraction pattern simulations

The original motivation for the derivation of the mappings in the preceding section was the fact that simulations of EBSD patterns for crystal systems with hexagonal or trigonal Bravais lattices would benefit from the availability of an area-preserving mapping based on a 2D uniform hexagonal sampling grid. In such simulations [11], one computes a 'master EBSD pattern', which is a representation of the back-scattered electron (BSE) yield as a function of the direction in which the electron leaves a crystal. Typically, such a pattern is represented on a spherical surface. From the master pattern one extracts individual EBSD patterns, ideally through a simple interpolation process. The reason for desiring a uniform hexagonal planar sampling grid for hexagonal and trigonal materials is the fact that a square grid cannot properly represent the six-fold and three-fold rotational symmetries of these crystal systems. To reduce the number of simulations that need to be carried out to obtain the master EBSD pattern, one makes use of the point symmetry group of the crystal system, so that only a sub-region of the total orientation space needs to be sampled. Symmetry operators then copy the computed BSE yield to the correct equivalent locations.

We have implemented the hexagonal mapping $\mathcal{T}_H$ in combination with a dynamical electron scattering simulation. The basic approach is as follows: a back-scattered electron is generated in the near-surface region of a sample and travels in a direction described by the wave vector k (with length |k| equal to the inverse of the electron wave length λ). The probability that such an electron will leave the sample depends on both the crystal structure of the material and on the depth z inside the sample at which the back-scattering event occurs. It is common practice to represent this probability by an integral of the electron wave probability, evaluated at the scattering sites (the atoms in their lattice positions), over a depth range from the surface (z = 0) to a maximum depth z = z0:

Equation (37)

where ri are atom positions in the unit cell, Zi are the atomic numbers and the factors DWi are Debye–Waller factors that represent the diffuseness of the atom cores caused by thermal vibrations. Ψ(r) is the electron wave function, which is typically represented by a Bloch wave expansion (a wave that has the periodicity of the underlying crystal lattice):

Equation (38)

The parameters α(j) in (38) are the Bloch wave excitation amplitudes, $C_{{\bit g}}^{(j)}$ are the Bloch wave coefficients, the eigenvalues are represented as λ(j) ≡ γ(j) + iq(j), and the vectors g are the reciprocal lattice vectors of the crystal. k0 is the electron wave vector corrected for refraction. The total number of terms in the first summation is equal to the number of reciprocal lattice vectors g taken into account in the simulation. The Bloch wave quantities are obtained by solving a general complex eigenvalue problem, which is essentially a matrix representation of the quantum-mechanical Schrödinger equation [12]. For simplicity in this example simulation, we ignore the energy dependence of the BSE yield; more extensive details can be found in [11].

A simulation of the master EBSD pattern for pure titanium was carried out for an electron energy of 30 keV using equation (37). Figure 9(a) shows the resulting BSE yield represented on the surface of a sphere. Since the crystal structure of Ti is centrosymmetric, only the northern hemisphere is needed, and the Lambert map of this hemisphere is shown in figure 9(b); the hexagonal six-fold symmetry axis is located at the center of the Lambert projection and corresponds to the North–South axis of the sphere in (a). Applying the inverse hexagonal mapping $\mathcal{T}^{-1}_H$ then results in the hexagonal map shown in figure 9(c). While the map is represented in this figure using a standard square grid of pixels, the actual data points are located at the nodes of a uniform hexagonal sampling grid similar to that shown in figure 2(a). The total number of grid points along the horizontal direction is 1001. Note that the projection has been rotated by 90° with respect to the orientation of the hexagon in figure 1 to conform with the standard representation of crystallographic reference frames.

Figure 9.

Figure 9. Dynamical simulation of the master EBSD pattern for hexagonal titanium (Ti): (a) spherical representation of the channeling-modulated back-scatter yield; (b) Lambert projection of the Northern hemisphere of (a); (c) equal-area inverse hexagonal mapping $\mathcal{T}_H^{-1}$ of (b).

Standard image High-resolution image

5. Summary

In this contribution, we have derived area-preserving projections from uniform hexagonal domains and from uniform triangular domains onto circular domains. In combination with the Lambert equal-area projection from the sphere $\mathbb S^2$ to the disc, these new mappings provide direct bi-directional conversions between uniform planar grids with three-fold or six-fold rotational symmetry and a corresponding uniform grid on the sphere. Explicit expressions are given for both direct and inverse mappings between the hexagonal and triangular domains and the disc. The quality of the resulting grids on the sphere is analyzed by means of the Riesz s-energy of configurations with different numbers of sampling points; the configurational energies are also compared to extremal s-energies.

While area-preserving mappings on the sphere have many applications in science and engineering, we have selected one particular application: the representation of the channeling-modified back-scattered electron yield as a function of direction for crystal systems with hexagonal or trigonal Bravais lattices. An example simulation for hexagonal titanium at a microscope accelerating voltage of 30 kV shows how the projections can be used to represent data with hexagonal symmetry.


MDG would like to acknowledge the Office of Naval Research, contract # N00014-12-1-0075, for financial support. Daniela Roşca was supported by the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007–2013 of the Romanian Ministry of Labor, Family and Social Protection through the Financial Agreement POSDRU/89/1.5/S/62557.

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